About Us

Hi there, I’m David Doyle: Voice Actor and Singer: This is my Singing Demo Reel: Here

Here at Trust The Music we’re all about… well, trusting the music to make you feel good! Singing is my passion and I love the feeling you get when everyone’s with you: other singers, the band, and the audience: It’s transcendent!

I want you to know the feeling of a room full of spirits soaring when great music goes down. And you’re right there in the middle! Such a great feeling!

I believe that the most important musician in the room is the singer – that’s why they’re up front. The singer delivers the music AND the message. Bob Dylan said that the lyrics (message) is one half of the song and that half belongs to the singer.

We have lots of tips, information and great training opportunities here for you, and remember, you can always trust the music.

You can find my Voice Acting work Here.